

来源:塑料 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-17
摘要:文章亮点: 1 此问题的已知信息:脑出血后常见偏瘫侧腕与手指屈肌张力增高,使腕关节与手指关节伸展异常困难,为了改善屈肌痉挛状态,通常使用腕指伸展支具,下肢伸肌张力增高


1 此问题的已知信息:脑出血后常见偏瘫侧腕与手指屈肌张力增高,使腕关节与手指关节伸展异常困难,为了改善屈肌痉挛状态,通常使用腕指伸展支具,下肢伸肌张力增高,使踝关节下垂与足内翻,影响患者站立与行走,为了改善伸肌痉挛状态,通常使用踝足矫形支具,有助于提高患者的运动技能。

2 文章增加的新信息:按照矫形器主要制作材料分类,可分为塑料矫形器、金属矫形器、碳纤维矫形器、橡胶矫形器、树脂矫形器、纤维矫形器等,目前国内外研究居多的为塑料矫形器和碳纤维矫形器。

3 临床应用的意义:塑料材料矫形器为低温塑料板在大约100 ℃的温度下处理,常温下恢复其硬度,具有记忆性、透明性、一致性等特点,外形美观,轻便卫生,更加符合生物力学要求,常用材料为聚乙烯和聚丙烯。金属矫形器如不锈钢、铝合金、钛合金等,其特点是强度较高,容易加工,价格便宜,耐腐蚀,缺点是均为刚性材料,冰冷,外形笨重,易诱发痉挛。碳纤维材料耐高温、耐磨擦、耐腐蚀,显著的特点是可加工成各种外形,沿纤维轴方向表现出很高的强度。


方法:以“脑卒中,偏瘫,支具,材料;Cerebral apoplexy,hemiplegia,support,material”为关键词,应用计算机检索1999至2015年万方数据库、清华知网数据库、PubMed数据库,选取有关脑卒中偏瘫与支具材料生物相容性研究的文献,同一领域文献选择权威杂志或发表时间为近期的文献,依据纳入排除标准选取15篇文献进行归纳分析。




Xin Yu-fu, Attending physician, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang , Henan Province, China

Accepted: 2015-05-02

OBJECTIVE:To investigate the types and biocompatibility of brace materials for post-stroke hemiplegia.

METHODS:A computer-based search of Wanfang, CNKI, PubMed databases was performed for articles related to post-stroke hemiplegia and biocompatibility of brace materials published from 1999 to 2015 using the keywords of “cerebral apoplexy, hemiplegia, support, material” in Chinese and English, respectively. In the same field, the articles published recently or in authoritative journals were preferred. Finally, 15 articles were enrolled in result analysis.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Thermoplastic orthoses are mainly made of polypropylene materials, which are used for foot drop caused by post-stroke hemiplegia. Polypropylene has high strength and good toughness, and it is also safe and non-toxic. Semi-rigid planta pedis can help the lift of the toe in swing phase. Orthoses made ofpolymer fiber materials are characterized by ease of use, good toughness, high strength, and good air permeability, which cannot impact X-ray examination. Carbon fiber materials have light mass, high specific strength and modulus, good anti-fatigue performance, good safety performance and good designability. Clinical trials have shown that patients wearing ankle foot orthoses made of polypropylene and carbon fiber materials have improvement in walking distance and speed of climbing stairs, and these patients also feel more balanced and secure. Experimental studies on different orthotics materials can get more patient preferences, which have a great help for the design and development of orthotics materials.

Xin YF, Rong SS, You AM, Hu YF. Brace materials for patients with post-stroke hemiplegia: categories and biocompatibility. Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu. 2015;19(30):4887-4891.

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文章来源:《塑料》 网址: http://www.slzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0317/909.html


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